Hermione and Ron insist that Dumbledore swore them to secrecy and they don't know much. There Harry reunites with Hermione and Ron and immediately shouts at them about feeling neglected. Together, they fly to number twelve, Grimmauld Place in London. Three days later, a dozen witches and wizards, including Mad-Eye Moody and Remus Lupin, come to rescue him. When Petunia receives a Howler (an angry, literally explosive letter) with a cryptic message, she insists that Harry has to stay. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia try to kick Harry out as Harry receives a letter calling him to a hearing.

Figg, is a Squib (someone born to a magical family but who can’t use magic), and that Dumbledore has been having people watch him.

At the beginning of August, after a month of no meaningful contact from anyone in the Wizarding world, two dementors attack Harry and his cousin Dudley in an alley.